Monday, November 21, 2011

Projects -- Interrupts: Mark II

 * Project:      Project_interrupt
 * Author:      Jane-Maree Howard
 * Date:         Monday 21/11/2011
 * Platform:    Arduino 22
 * Purpose:    To demonstrate an interrupt on Digital pin 3
 * Operation:  Description: Connect a 20kilOhm resistor from
 *                          digital pin3 to digital pin13!
 *                          Earlier problem solved as we now have a hardware feedback
 *                          from OUTPUT digi-pin13 to INPUT digi-pin3,
 *                          to which the interrupt is attached.
 *                          The digital flip-flop occurs every second, is fed to digi-pin3,
 *                          which registers the change & triggers the interrupt,
 *                          which, in turn, calls blink() where the pin state variable is flipped.
 *                          This state change is fed back via digi-pin13 to digi-pin3, triggering
 *                          the interrupt once again.                 
int           iPin13   = 13;
int            iPin3   = 3;
volatile int  iState   = LOW;

void setup()
  // open Serial port
  // set pin13, pin3 as OUTPUTs
  pinMode(iPin13, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(iPin3, INPUT);
  // interrupt1 calls blink() when pin13 flip-flops
  attachInterrupt(1, blink, CHANGE);
  digitalWrite(iPin3, iState);

void loop()
  // delay 1 second
  // in effect, flip pin13
  digitalWrite(iPin13, iState);
  digitalWrite(iPin3, iState);

void blink()
  // flip value to trigger interrupt
  iState = !iState;

i finally cracked it!

most annoying though..
..but when i wondered about which pin the interrupt operated on, i went back to the appropriate page.. 

..where i saw that interrupt-0 can be attached to digital pin 2, & interrupt-1 to digital pin 3.

after that, it was pretty much plain sailing - the feedback resistor instead of some weird software, & as can be seen at left, it works beeootifly-thank-yew!

on to my next problem: how can i use LDR hardware to trigger an interrupt (for my "fridge door open" stuff!

{sigh of relief!}.


  1. hmmm.. i wonder if s FET could be used to trigger the interrupt if the Drain is connected to Dpin3, source to Dpin13, & the Base to an LDR voltage divider network..

    FETs have a pretty high internal resistance..


  2. if you're wondering why i don't just use an Analog pin, it's because i've only got 6 of them, 2 of them (4 & 5) are 'booked' for TWI, leaving only four for my thermistors..
    ..i don't want to 'waste' one on an interrupt, even tho it'd be simpler..
