Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Task: Lego Robot software

Well - i've got the Lego-bot assembly to the point where i can now do something with it.

Now that i have access to the software, i've been experimenting with motion, loops, sound, the little screen that's on the Lego-bot controller, & generally i think i've got a handle on it.

Now to make it do something interesting!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Task: Start "Mr General" Assembly..

..which has turned out to be harder than i thought it'd be!

The following problems have emerged:
 1) we no longer have an electronics lab - the heavy-duty electrical engineering people
     now have that room for their stuff;

 2) i'm using a make-shift lab-spot, sharing with all the people
     in the 3rd-year project room;

 3) the lighting's bad in there & i can't see f**k-all;
 4) there's a trick to soldering components into those teeny-tiny holes in the PCBs,
     & it took me ages to work out how to do that & to fix my c**k-ups;

 5) i'm missing a little pack of 8 small nylon washers,
     which i normally wouldn't worry about except that they look as if they're for
     insulating metal spacers from the main PCB surface

Possible solutions (in no particular order):
 1) i have a $2 cyclist's 'headlight' to illuminate the work i'm doing;
 2) i have a $2 magnifying glass whose handle i can wedge into the 'headlight' strap,
     so i can see better;

 3) "Mr General" is no longer essential to my project - Peter says
      i can use the Lego-Bot for both project items;

 4) any number of hardware-y places must surely sell
      little nylon washers of some kind;

 5) I still think i can do this! 
     That must count for something (psychologically if not marks-wise)..


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Task: continue with Lego Robot Assembly_part 2

Aha!!  When all else fails (where have i heard that before..?),
read the instructions (so far, so OK)..

..from the beginning!!

As in Start at the first page (duh!)!
On the first & subsequent pages were instructions for connecting the Battery Pack.
And YES, there was a detachable lid covering the opening for the battery pack.
I plugged it in..
..didn't follow the instructions carefully enough..
..wondered why certain components wouldn't fit back together again..
..took it apart..
..seated the battery pack properly this time..
..reassembled it &..
..Bob's Yer Auntie!!

It didn't do anything  to begin with, then suddenly came right, took it into its tiny little brain to switch on, & now all i have to do is work out how to program it!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Task: continue with Lego Robot Assembly

Well, I've assembled as much of the Lego robot as i can, but there's a snag:
---the battery pack doesn't fit on, & i don't know why {grrr!!}..
..it just won't.  I suspect that:
--(1) the programming panel is the wrong sort;
--(2) there's a panel on the bottom of the above which is stuck;
--(3) the battery pack is the wrong sort;
--(4) i'm making some unknown c**k-up in the assembly!

Given the fact that the previous user left bits assembled, 
& the parts all over the shop (which meant i had to do
an inventory before i even got started on assembly!),
& there seem to be 1 or 2 spare little bits (small part redundancy?),
maybe it's just an unsorted mess!!

I'm miles behind, & getting anxious :-(

I just need to get this sorted!

Tomorrow, in class maybe..

..meanwhile there are other things to do:
"Mr General" for one.  Due to my notorious inability to mentally 
attune myself to calendars (having spent a good part of my working life 
with irregular hours, irregular holidays, irregular jobs), i decided to 
stay home sick (snuffly) for what turned out to be the last day of the term.
Missed Ashley-the-Tech..
Came in on Monday - workmen, darkness, welding & painting..
..done it again!  I just don't get with holidays, as in i-never-know-until-it's-too-late!
(not the first time either).  So..

..no "Mr General" until tomorrow!

{si-i-i-igghhh}..  :-(  :-(

Problems, problems..

Task 5: 6-part Lego robot lesson

Task4 : Lego robot Videos

Task 2: