Monday, March 5, 2012

Well into the new year - & my puter is better, along with my house..

Well i'm still around - my computer has a brain augmentation: another 2 GB of RAM.

& my roof leaks have been fixed - now i can get on with making my back room into my 'lab' room with puter bits, electronic stuff, & various tools & projects.

would like to re-build that 'hakeri' bloody shed out the back - it's falling down & being pushed sideways by a large, mostly non-fruiting plum tree!  somewhere to store garden tools cluttering up the house @ present.

bought myself a couple of tech-presents; one of those non-reciprocating saw thingies with a box of attachments of various kinds.  cutting aluminium sheet won't be the wretched business it used to be (& that's just the start - my house's previous occupants were real bush carpenters who did some amazingly silly things!).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

FINAL -- duh!! -- so far..

Well, a final mark of 57 (C) was a bit underwhelming, but at least it's better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick!

i wish i knew how to make Georgia Bold my default font on this blog but..

& i'm not going to stop playing around with these things, but i've got rather a lot on at the moment, & i need to get thees out of my hair: 

the leaks in my hall roof; 

dealing to the undergrowth that is my yard (majorly chopped with a grunty weed-whacker, but still in need of further 'treatment') - i have an abiding hatred of grass - the agricultural kind, not friend Mary Jane - which i regard as suitable only for football & other sports to be played on & livestock to shit on; as a domestic ground cover it sucks enormously;

my feeble-minded computer - the poor wee thing does its best, but with the equivalent these days of a pre-frontal lobotomy (half-a-Gig), it desperately needs me to take pity on it & beef up its RAM (to at least 2 Gig);

there's a thing out the back masquerading as a shed; needs replacing or turned into a workshop-type thingy..;

a giant, non-producing, plum tree out the back needs topping ( i know it's a plum because it actually has delivered one or two plums occasionally (i'm not joking!), one of which has grown into a smaller, equally non-producing, tree - i need some arborist's/orchardist's advice maybe;

the inside of my house is a f*****g tip - it really needs sorting!

& NO i haven't made any poxy New Year's resolutions either!

(except maybe to bow to the inevitable & sign up to Facebook - not because i've any wish to dump myself online, but various friends keep asking me, & i'd like to be able to access their stuff.)