Saturday, July 30, 2011

Task2 - Arduino board Diagram

On the picture above, i've circled the Rx (digital pin 0) & Tx (digital pin 1) connections.

On the schematic below, they're  pins 0 & 1 on the connector at the bottom right, going to digital pins 0 & 1 on the ATMega chip.
Note the  1kOhm pull-up resistors connecting the Rx & Tx pins on the ATMega chip to (top right of) the USB chip on its left.

This is the Arduino board i currently have, but (hopefully) it won't be the only one.  
Maybe a Uno variation, or something compact..

1 comment:

  1. oops! they're a bit big aren't they..
    Better to be clear than tidy tho'..
